Data Sources
The Academic Program Inventory dashboard includes the below data sources:
- Florida Virtual Campus (FLVC) program data as reported by Florida institutions
- Florida’s Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL)
- Credentials published to Credential Engine’s public Credential Registry by industry organizations that also appear on Florida’s Master Credential’s List
Below are more details on each data source:
- Florida Virtual Campus (FLVC) program data as reported by Florida institutions
- FLVC provides critical educational support services utilized by all public postsecondary institutions, including collecting institution-level program data
- The data shows which programs (including the types of credentials in which programs of study) are available at public colleges and universities in Florida
- [describe who submits or what data is compiled (or what data is not included that users may ask about)]
- FLVC publishes Florida institutions and their program data to the Florida Staging Registry on an annual basis, and those credentials are pulled into EMOP (currently on a quarterly basis)
FVLC data published to the Florida Staging Registry and available in EMOP includes:
- Institution name, organization type (e.g., postsecondary educational institution, two-year college, career and technical school), sector (e.g., public institution, and status (e.g., active).
- Credential name, description, credential type (e.g., certificate, Associate degree), location where credential is offered, learning delivery type (e.g. in person, online, blended delivery), Classification of Instructional Program (program of study) codes and titles, credit unit type (e.g., degree credit), credit value, and status (e.g., active).
Examples of use cases for these data include:
- Improve interoperability and align data and initiatives across agencies and throughout the entire education and workforce spectrum, reducing redundancies in data collection and improving the data that is available
- Support statewide initiatives such as increasing credential attainment and identifying credentials of value by utilizing data from the Registry (that are integrated into EMOP) to make decisions about quality
- Ensure that the full inventory of credentials is described and made available via a common, open language and centralized location for partners to utilize
- Support and build tools that use a common source of credential data to serve various audiences
- You can learn more at the links below
- Florida Virtual Campus:
- Florida’s Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL), which is under Florida Commerce’s purview and the data is maintained and provided by Geographic Solutions, Florida’s current ETPL vendor.
- The Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) is designed to assist individuals receiving Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) services in finding approved training
- The data shows which Eligible Training Providers and programs (including credential types and occupations) are approved by local Workforce Development Boards to receive federal workforce training funds
- [describe who submits or what data is compiled (or what data is not included that users may ask about)]
- Geographic Solutions publishes Eligible Training Providers, their credentials, and/or updates to any credentials to the Florida Staging Registry on a daily basis, and those credentials are pulled into EMOP (currently on a quarterly basis)
ETPL data published to the Florida Staging Registry and available in EMOP includes:
- Eligible Training Provider name, address, organization type (e.g., career and technical school, postsecondary educational institution, 4-year college), sector (e.g., public institution, private not-for-profit, private for-profit), and status (e.g., active).
- Credential name, description, credential type (e.g., certificate, license, Associate degree) , location where credential is offered, Standard Occupational Classification codes and titles, and status (e.g., active).
Examples of use cases for these data include:
- Improve interoperability and align data and initiatives across agencies and throughout the entire education and workforce spectrum, reducing redundancies in data collection and improving the data that is available.
- Improve and streamline state-approving functions, including developing and maintaining the Eligible Training Provider List
- Ensure that the full inventory of Eligible Training Providers and their programs are described and made available via a common, open language and in a centralized location for partners to utilize
- Support and build tools that use a common source of credential data to serve various audiences
You can learn more at the links below
- Florida Eligible Training List Guidance FAQ (FloridaCommerce):
Credentials published to Credential Engine’s public Credential Registry by industry organizations that also appear on Florida’s Master Credential’s List
- Credential Engine flags any credentials that get published by industry organizations on the public Credential Registry that also are listed on Florida’s Master Credentials List on a monthly basis, and those credentials are pulled into EMOP (currently on a quarterly basis)
- Credential Engine matches industry-recognized credentials from Florida's Master Credentials List to the public Credential Registry by the Certification Title and the Certifying Agency Name
- Data provided to Credential Engine by the organization(s) who own or offer industry-recognized credential(s) are subject to change (based on updates to what is published in the public Credential Registry and viewable in the Finder (
Dashboard features
Count of Credentials/Programs
- The count of credentials, by credential type and learning type, available by programs offered at Florida public colleges and universities, Eligible Training Providers, and industry-based certifications on Florida’s Master Credential List.
- Note: Credential types are defined by the Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL). For a full list of credential types and their definitions, please visit:
Why it matters: Provides a high-level overview of the type of credentials available or recognized in Florida and how they are delivered to students.
Credentials/Programs by Owner and Offering Location
Measures: The number of credentials owned and offered at Florida public colleges and universities and Eligible Training Providers, including where the credential is offered and the relative size of the count of credentials offered across the state.
Why it matters: Provides a geographic and relative size representation of credentials offered by Florida public colleges and universities and Eligible Training Providers across Florida
Table with detailed information about credentials/programs
Measures: Detailed information about programs offered at Florida public colleges and universities, Eligible Training Providers, and industry-based certifications on Florida’s Master Credential List. Links are provided that bring EMOP users to the specific credential as published in the Florida Staging Registry (for FLVC and ETPL offerings) or in the public Registry (for industry-published credentials that are on the Master Credentials List).
Why it matters: Provides a granular list of the credentials available (or no longer active) at Florida public colleges and universities, through Eligible Training Providers, and offered by industry (that have been published to the public Credential Registry and are also on Florida’s Master Credential List). The list is sortable and can be downloaded as an export.
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