The Labor Market Insights (LMI) dashboard provides real-time job ad data over a rolling one-year period so we can better assess the need for jobs in Florida, at a statewide, regional, and local level. It also provides information on required credentials and skills reported by employers in specific regions for specific occupations along with wage data trends (for any wage data included in job postings).
Job Postings
The top section of the LMI dashboards provides job posting data that's updated daily and looks back historically over a rolling 12-month period.
Job postings can be displayed in the table and/or in the map views and can be filtered by one or more occupation(s). The table can be sorted by (or selections can be made by) occupation(s) (SOC), job postings (count), or the Job Opportunity Index (JOI) score.
The map view can be viewed at the county, metropolitan statistical area (MSA), or workforce area levels.
Selections can be made in the occupation table that will be reflected in the map, or vice versa, selections can be made in the map that will update the occupation table.
Hovering over the map provides additional data details within a tooltip.
Data source: Lightcast
Occupation Data
The Occupation Data section allows users to review data included in job postings for a single occupation at a time (i.e., users can select one occupation at a time to view associated data for that occupation).
When a single occupation is selected, the information that follows shows:
- Job posting data for the selected occupation, which may include cited:
- Industry certifications and licensures
- Skills required
- Degrees required
- associations between the available educational programs (CIP) to the selected occupation (SOC)
- annualized wages trends at different percentiles (where job postings contain wage data)
Data source: Lightcast
The demographics section allows users to filter data by various demographic types to see counts by the selected demographic type at a state-wide level (in the table) and to drill down regionally within the provided map (click an area and then hover over it for a tooltip that provides data for that particular area).
Demographic types that can be viewed include:
- Total population count
- Age
- Below poverty level
- Education
- Sex
- Median household income
- Race
- SNAP households
- Disability type
Data source: Census Bureau's American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimate (for the most current period of data)
Job Opportunity Index (JOI)
Background: Traditionally, job outlook has been presented as a dichotomous variable. That is, a specific job is either a Bright Outlook job or it is not. However, the presentation of this information does not provide any insight as to the degree of the outlook for the job. If one thinks of “bright” in terms of a light source, the current method truly only denotes whether the light source is shining or not, it doesn’t tell a person how bright the light source is. Thus, the current method of presenting bright outlook designation doesn’t yield as much actionable information about whether or not a job is of interest to job seekers or policymakers. Additionally, because of the rapidly changing nature of the technological advancements in the world of work, there is no indication of how vulnerable certain jobs or entire career paths may be to potential automation. For these reasons, PAIRIN researched and developed the PAIRIN Job Outlook Index (JOI) to respond to these needs.
Read the JOI Technical document for more information on the Job Opportunity Index (JOI).
Job designation definitions:
- "At Risk" is a measure of job vulnerability based on the potential for automation in the job and/or industry (source: Brookings Institute)
- "Bright Outlook" jobs are expected to grow rapidly in the next several years, will have large numbers of job openings, or are new and emerging occupations (source: National Center for O*NET Development)
- "Gateway" jobs provide workers experience to move from low-wage jobs to higher-wage jobs that are resilient to automation and accessible based on job history, not just credentials (source: Rework America Alliance)
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