This guide provides an overview of common Tableau functionality, along with functionality that is unique to EMOP. Click one of the links below to navigate to a section of interest, or scroll to browse the help guide information.
- Graphs, Tables, and Maps
- Filters
- Exporting data
- Tableau View Customization and Navigation
- Dashboard Navigation
- Tooltips and Descriptions
- Support / Help Resources
Graphs, Tables, and Maps
As you navigate between dashboards, you will see relevant data organized in Graphs, Tables, and Maps. The information below will help you understand how to best navigate these resources.
How can I customize the data I’m seeing in graphs, tables, and/or maps?
Within a dashboard, you can customize the data you see in graphs, tables, and/or maps by using the available filters.
Filters are the drop down menus you see in a dashboard. Oftentimes multiple filters are available, providing a set of filters.
Within a single filter,
- You can search within a filter or scroll to make selections.
- Some allow you to select multiple options while others only allow you to select a single option.
When there is more than one filter available in the set, you can make selections across the filters (i.e., you can use more than one filter at a time within a global filter set or within an in-chart filter set).
Within a dashboard, there may be global filters and/or in-chart filters.
- Global filters are positioned either at the top of the dashboard or before a set of charts and will update all of the associated charts below those filters based on your global filter selection(s).
- In-chart filters are positioned within a single chart (typically just below the chart title or description) and will only update that specific chart based on your in-chart filter selections. Using in-chart filters, you can narrow and refine the data based on by what you select from the available drop down menus.
How can I see the exact data points in a graph?
In order to see the data reflected in graphs more clearly, you have a number of different options.
- Hover your cursor over a value in a graph and the exact amount will appear in a small pop-up box. In this box, you are also able to exclude or isolate that data point.
- If you’d like to select more than one data point, you can click on the increments on either the X- or Y-axis. From here, you will be able to either isolate and extract the data points or exclude the data points from the graph entirely.
- You can also customize the layout of your axes to make data more visible or generate more context. See the options below, which include:
- Sort by ascending values
- Sort by descending values
- View data as a table
How can I scroll in a table?
To view all the data within a table on the dashboard, you can either use your mouse or trackpad to scroll, or use the scroll bar on the right side of the table.
What do the icons next to occupations in the Labor Market Insights dashboard Job Postings table mean?
The icons you see next to certain occupations in the Labor Market Insights dashboard Job Postings table can mean three things: the job/occupation is “at risk,” the job has a “bright outlook,” or the job is considered a “gateway job.” You may encounter occupations that fall into more than one of these categories, or, perhaps, none.
- "At Risk" jobs are those that are vulnerable based on the potential for automation in the industry.
- "Gateway" jobs are especially useful to people who may not have degrees, but have experiences and allow them more mobility in the workforce.
- "Bright Outlook" jobs have a high projected increase in number and percent change within jobs, leading to employment opportunities.
If you’d like to read more about what each of these categories mean and how they are calculated, click here.
How can I zoom in and out on a map?
You can zoom in and out on a map using either your mouse or trackpad or by clicking the plus and minus icons.
To use your mouse or trackpad:
- Scroll down to zoom in
- Scroll up to zoom out
This method is not always very precise if scrolling is performed too quickly.
Instead, consider using the ➕ and ➖ icons in the top-left map navigation pane.
The ‘home’ icon will reset your view no matter how much you’ve zoomed in or out. The playback (sideways triangle) icon provides more options, including zooming in with a click and moving the map around freely, without scrolling.
How can I see the exact data displayed on a map?
- Hover your cursor over the value or data point you’d like to see. This opens a small pop-up box where you’ll see the location name and the data value.
- If you click on the value or data point (instead of hover), you will be given the option of isolating (“Keep Only) or excluding (“Exclude) this data point.
How can I select the data I’d like to extract or export from a map?
There are a few different ways to extract or export multiple data points from a map.
- Option 1: Use the icons in the top-left navigation pane to draw an area in the map for the data points you’d like to export. You can do this by creating a freehand shape, a square, or a circle to encompass the data point you’d like to export.
- Option 2: You can also click on the locations you’d like to export – selecting multiple areas by holding <ctrl> or <command> down on your keyboard.
What are Filters?
Filters, which appear as drop down menus within the dashboards, are available within the dashboards to allow you to customize your data exploration and analysis.
You can select filter options to focus on specific subsets of data, uncover patterns, and gain valuable insights tailored to your unique needs and questions. Oftentimes multiple filters are available, providing a set of filters.
Within a single filter
- You can search within a filter or scroll to make selections.
- Some filters allow you to select multiple options while others only allow you to select a single option.
When there is more than one filter available in the set, you can make selections across the filters (i.e., you can use more than one filter at a time within a global filter set or within an in-chart filter set).
What are “global filters” and how do I use them?
At the top of each dashboard and/or before a set of charts, you’ll typically find a set of filters known as global filters, which when selected, those selections affect every chart beneath that set of filters. Global filters provide multiple ways to refine the data you see in the charts that follow them.
What are “in-chart” filters and how do I use them?
“In-chart” filters will be found within a specific chart and are only applicable to the relevant table, graph, or map. Since in chart filters only affect the one relevant chart, they do not affect other charts on the same dashboard. These filters are located below the charts’ title or description.
How do my selections impact other Filters?
As you input your filter selections, other filters typically adjust to reflect those selections (e.g., if you select a CIP code, the CIP Title and Career Cluster adjust to reflect the CIP code selection).
If you refine your filters and no data is displayed in the chart, there may be limited or no data available for those selections. If this occurs, try broadening your filter selections.
How do I use the “View By” filter?
The "View By" filter directly impacts the charts below it by dynamically adjusting the level of detail or granularity displayed in those charts. It allows you to limit your view to one selected View By filter only while still having the capability to customize with the other available global or in-chart filters.
When a user changes the "View By" setting, the charts automatically update to reflect the data at the selected level, providing a more focused and detailed view of the information relevant to that specific dimension or hierarchy. This interactivity allows users to explore data hierarchies efficiently and gain insights across different levels of detail within the same visualization. The View By filter is typically (but not always) a global filter that affects all charts on a given dashboard.
Exporting data
How do I select the data I want to export?
To export data from Tableau, first ensure that the data you’re currently seeing in your table, graph, or map is the data you’d like to export.
- Double check filters and selections, if needed, to make sure what you currently see is what you want to export.
Next, click inside the field of the graphic.
- Then, navigate to the top-right-hand corner to find the export icon. It is a rectangular icon with a downward pointing arrow.
- Click on this icon (the rectangular icon with a downward pointing arrow) to open the drop-down menu, which reveals data export options (see below the options that are available).
- Choose which option suits your needs best (e.g., Crosstab is selected above).
- Ensure the view you clicked into in step #2 is indeed the one selected to download or modify the selections as you see fit.
- Click ‘Download.’
In what forms can I export data?
You have a few different options to choose from when exporting data:
- Crosstab. A common data export is the crosstab option, which allows you to download an excel or CSV file.
- When you select this option, you’ll be asked to check which data set from the dashboard you’d like to export– this is a chance to change your mind if necessary. If you clicked into the chart you wanted to download before selecting the crosstab option, it should have that chart selected. Double-check it!
- The data will then download to your computer, and you’ll receive an export of data points from the chart.
- Image. Selecting to export as an image downloads a copy of the table, graph, or map as an image as it is displayed, without any ability to manipulate scale, time period, etc. It typically downloads asa PNG file.
- Data. You can also choose to export the data collected within a graphic. This option opens an image of the graphic’s data in another tab where you can download to a CSV file, take screenshot(s), or view the fields and data points.
- PDF. Exporting the data as a PDF creates is similar to the image export, but in a standard PDF format.
- PowerPoint. Downloading to PowerPoint creates a .pptx download of the full selected chart image(s) and places each one on its own slide. You can crop and edit from there for the view you desire to showcase in a slide.
Crosstab selection step example:
PowerPoint selection step example:
Tableau View Customization and Navigation
What do the icons in the Tableau top-navigation panels mean?
There are a number of icons both in the top, white navigation panel and in the top, blue navigation panel. These icons can be helpful to navigate through and within Tableau dashboards:
In the top, left hand side of the white navigation menu banner, you’ll see
- blue Tableau navigation links, which when clicked, take you to the relevant selection. Clicking “EMOP,” for example” brings you to a screen where you can see the dashboards as an icon. You can select the one you want to view from here.
- A star icon, which allows you to favorite dashboards for easy access later.
- In the top, left-hand side of the blue menu banner, you’ll find
- undo and redo curved arrows. These allow you to undo and redo actions such as resetting filters or views.
- Next, is a ‘Reset View’ curved arrow that allows you to undo all modifications you’ve added to your view in one click.
- To the right of this icon, there are two cylindrical icons that allow you to refresh or pause any data queries. This gives you control over how and when your data updates and refreshes.
- Next, are the animation and acceleration options, which may or may not be particularly useful for most EMOP users
- the animation button creates a visual transition when changing filters or parameters, making the data updates smoother and easier to follow
- the acceleration button controls the speed of this transition, allowing users to adjust the pace of the animation based on their preference for a faster or slower visual update.
- The next button is the view customization window, which allows you to name and save specific views to come back to them later.
- In the top, right-hand side of the blue menu banner, from left to right you’ll find
- Export data. The rectangular icon with a downward-pointing arrow is where you can export data. You can choose how you’d like your selected data exported whether in a pdf, excel sheet, powerpoint, or image. See the Export section of this article for more details.
- Full screen. The next rectangular icon inside of corner lines allows you to view the dashboard in full-screen.
- Share. Clicking the share button allows you to access a link to the page, but only those with licenses access can access it.
- In the top, right hand side of the white banner, you’ll find
- Data sources cylindrical icon indicates where the data source is housed within the AWS environment.
- ‘Search’ magnifying glass icon to search within this platform.
- ‘Search Favorites’ icon to search views/dashboards you’ve favorited by selecting the star icon
- Help ‘?’ icon to access Tableau support resources
- Note: this ‘?’ icon does not provide support for EMOP-specific needs. Should you need EMOP support, click the Support button to submit a support ticket to PAIRIN
- ‘Notification’ bell icon for any notifications within Tableau
- Blue ‘Support’ icon. Clicking the Support button within any dashboard brings you directly to an EMOP support ticket form. You can use this ticket form to report unexpected behavior or errors, provide EMOP feedback or new feature requests, or submit a question. These tickets are routed to and managed by PAIRIN, the prime contractor Florida engaged to create, enhance, operate, and maintain the dashboards, as well as who provides EMOP customer support.
How can I customize the View of my Dashboards?
After making filter selections in a dashboard, you can save your view (i.e., to return to this page at a later time with your same filters applied).
In the blue navigation banner, click <View: Original>. This opens a box where you can name and save your current view so that you can return to it whenever you’d like. You can also choose to make this view your default view, so everytime you return to this dashboard you’ll start with this customized view.
How can I reset my view?
From a customized view, to return to the original view, click the same toggle button in the top, blue navigation banner. In the pop-up box that appears, click <Original (default)> to reload the default view.
Dashboard Navigation
What Dashboards do I have access to?
Florida's Education Meets Opportunity Platform (EMOP) compiles data from various sources, including state agencies, federal government, and external partners like Credential Engine and Lightcast. To present this data effectively, we’ve created eight distinct user dashboards:
- Program Quality
- Postsecondary CTE
- Secondary CTE
- Vocational Rehabilitation (coming in 2024)
- Adult Education (coming in 2024)
- Labor Market Insights (LMI)
- Supply & Demand (S&D) (coming in 2024)
- Return On Investment (ROI)
How do I navigate to and between EMOP dashboards?
There are a number of ways you can navigate between dashboards described below.
- Access the EMOP dashboards - from the EMOP homepage. To access the EMOP dashboards, visit the Florida's Education Meets Opportunity Platform homepage.
- Select the dashboard you want to access from the top of the page
- If you select “Quality,” a side navigation menu appears on the left-hand side of the screen where you can select one of the five Program Quality dashboards to view.
- After selecting a dashboard, you’ll be routed to the relevant Tableau dashboard.
- On the homepage, if you want a high-level overview of what each dashboard contains, use the "Dashboards" toggle link in the top-left navigation pane to jump down to a short explanation of each dashboard. You can also select a dashboard from this brief explanation section to be routed to the relevant dashboard.
- From this section, after clicking the dashboard you want to access, click, ‘View Dashboard’ to be routed to the Tableau dashboard.
- If you select ‘Quality,’ after you click “View Dashboard,” a side navigation panel appears to select from the Quality dashboards.
How do I access EMOP dashboards within Tableau?
- If you’re already in EMOP or a particular dashboard, you can navigate to a different dashboard using the four dashboard buttons located at the top of the page.
- When you click, “Quality,” it pulls up a sub-navigation menu with boxes for the five Quality dashboards from which you can select.
- Alternatively, use the blue Tableau links in the top-left navigation pane to navigate among the dashboards. These Tableau links will take you to a screen where you can see each dashboard as an icon and select the one you’d like to visit.
Tooltips and Descriptions
How can I find information that might seem hidden?
Across all the dashboards, sometimes you’ll encounter terms or graphics that you might not understand. In order to keep our dashboards easy to navigate, we’ve concealed some of this information using tooltips.
You’ll be able to find these tooltips by looking for the small <i> icon. Usually located near titles, this icon typically indicates that there is additional information that you can access by hovering your cursor over the icon. Check out the screenshot below for an example!
You might also encounter the <i> icon by subtitles or smaller text on the dashboards. This text is not hidden, but is still explanatory and can be valuable to understanding the graphic or data you’re seeing. Check out the screenshot below for another example!
Support / Help Resources
If I need help, where do I go?
Use the blue Support button to contact us either on the EMOP homepage or on any EMOP dashboard if you
- encounter any trouble with the EMOP dashboards (unexpected behavior or issues),
- have an idea for EMOP, or
- have questions about something specific that the EMOP Help Center does not currently address
You will find the blue Support button:
- on the homepage (bottom right corner)
- After clicking the Support button on the homepage, a small window pops up where you can submit a ticket request.
- on any EMOP dashboard (top right) or
- After clicking the Support button on any dashboard, a new tab opens with a ticket form where you can submit your support request. Note, this form should autofill “EMOP” as the product.
How can I help make Florida EMOP better?
We love to hear about your ideas on how to enhance EMOP and improve its benefits for you as a user and for your team(s).
To share an idea, you can
- Use the blue Support button and select “Product feedback or new feature request” under Support Request Type or
- Use the EMOP user input and feedback survey to share how you’ve been using EMOP and any ideas for improvement
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